Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Structural steel and other construction news

Can you believe it is already March? Impending springtime means one thing at the Health Center: Structural steel. That’s right! Our construction team is currently preparing the work site in Mashpee for the delivery of lots of steel, which is scheduled to arrive next week. Crews will begin installing the structural steel next week and at least through this month.

In the meantime, the Building Committee has many choices to make in regards to the interior of the new space. They will be approving plumbing fixtures this week (including double flush toilets and no-hands faucets) and beginning the furniture selection process soon. Although we certainly cannot complain about the weather this winter, we are gladly welcoming spring and more construction progress here at the Health Center!

As a reminder, if you have not yet made a gift to the Building for the Future Expansion Campaign, right now you have the opportunity to have your campaign donation matched dollar for dollar by The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation. Please contact the Development Office at 508-477-5990 for more information or you may download a pledge form here.

A big THANK YOU to all those who have already made a gift or pledge—It is only with your support that we can make this important community resource a reality.