Thursday, February 23, 2012

Give now and double your gift’s impact!

Did you know that right now your campaign gift can be doubled? An appeal will be mailed out soon asking for support to satisfy the $125,000 matching grant from The Peter and Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation. To receive this full amount, we must raise the same by June 30. With your help we know can accomplish this tall task and we will then be $250,000 closer to our Building for the Future Expansion Campaign goal of $3.25 million. As of today, we have about $1.5 million more to go. In the past, our community has met and exceeded our expectations and we hope this appeal will bring more of the same!

As you may know, this grant is for the Health Center’s new and improved health information technology plan that is part of the Mashpee expansion (Read more here). So today, your gift towards the Building for the Future Expansion Campaign will actually double the impact. This is an excellent opportunity for you as well as the Health Center, its patients, and this entire community.

We hope we can count on you, but you don’t need to wait for your appeal letter to arrive in your mailbox. Just click here to download a pledge form or donate safely and securely online. Thank you in advance! Your support allows the Health Center to do so much for so many.