Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We have lift-off!

Christy Murphy, JK Scanlan’s project manager, gave us a brief update last week and reported that the Health Center received its final building permit on November 2, which gave the green light to officially begin!

Last week things got going in a hurry as the site work subcontractors cleared the area of all the trees and brush. A silt fence for erosion control will be installed next and then the site will be enclosed by the construction fence. Our total construction timeline will be about 9.5 months. Building construction will begin in early December and JK Scanlan hopes to have the building “weather tight” by late February. The construction process should be concluded in late July. Once the certificate of occupancy and all licensure approvals are received, we will move in! We hope to be settled into our new space by late September 2012.

“Stay tuned…. the big hole in the ground is coming in the next couple of weeks,” Murphy says.